The Program and its Upgrade.

The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program. It was God’s version of a huge, long-running movie in actual 3-D. He programs in particles. He has them complied into systems and beings. All of ancient history, and all of science, result from The Program and its Upgrade.

The Creation Program is the giant set on which we free-will programs play our starring roles. He wrote and downloaded The Creation Program so well that most of us human programs can’t even prove He made it, even though we are made in His image and can do simple programming.

He downloaded The Creation Program. It ran all right for awhile. But, some of His Programming Assistants got uppity. “We want to do our own programming!” They came to earth and began to alter the female genetic code to make actors in their own image.

The fallen angels, which is what His Programming Assistants were called in the Iron Age, twisted the female genetic code to personify the sin they embraced. Gluttony became the bloated brontosauruses that roamed the earth, endlessly eating. Rage became the ravenous Tyrannosauruses, ripping and tearing all they saw. Sloth took form as, well, sloths. Huge, giant sloths just hung around.

The Loving Programmer erased all those mistakes from The Program and its Upgrade. He washed the “nephilim”, as the monsters were called, away in The Flood. “Now, we are going to start all over with the basic animal programs and eight uncorrupted human programs.” Noah put what was needed in a huge ark and set sail.

Soon, the mountains, about five miles high, were covered with water. The Loving Programmer had brought it up from the depths and down from the sky. The moon pulled the water around the earth in huge tidal waves as it revolved around the earth. The waves were several miles high.

Vast clouds of minerals were stripped off the surface, often gouged by the immense ice caps. The clouds dirt settled to the surface in layers. Soon, hundreds of layers of what would be quickly compressed into sedimentary rocks were laid down, sometimes around the big bones of dead nephilim.

As the layers were squeezed into stone, the huge, quadrillon-ton waves, even pushed up the crust in places so that the huge rock formations were shoved upwards. They were often twisted and turned to form the angled and undulating layers we sometimes see in most mountain ranges and road cuts.

In a few months, The Earth Program was upgraded. From above, it was a bright blue ball spinning around The Sun Program. “Now, they all have free will and can corrupt their programs on their own, if they want. Or, they can listen to Me. I now have it set up so they can’t even tell that I made the earth. If they want, they can choose to believe that it’s billions and billions of years old.”

To celebrate His great Programming Upgrades, He had the newly re-written water and air programs work together so well that a huge rainbow appeared in the sky. “Wow!” exclaimed The Programming Assistants left in Programming HQ. “Now that is a Program!”

That’s pretty much all we need to know about The Program and its Upgrade.

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