The Republican Primary

Herman Cain, having renounced monogamy as a way of life, had his candidacy disappear in a few weeks. The former front-runner appears to have had his supporters migrate to Newt Gingrich, now leading significantly in the polls. His commitment to monogamy seems to have re-appeared after his third marriage.

Oddly, the much-despised Romney seems to have maintained monogamy, despite having come from what was, before the Moslem invasion began, the only polygamy-supporting religion in North America.

Now, Bachmann has been successfully portrayed as a “lightweight”. Santorum, certainly an intelligent man, has been reduced to single-digits in the polls. Ron Paul, the most fiscally sensible of all, has been painted as a “nut-case’.

Huntsman, whose reasons for running make Quixote’s tilting at windmills seem absolutely sane, barely registers on any polls. Perry, having fallen, doesn’t seem able to rise. Sarah Palin, waiting and hoping for all the others to self-destruct, seems reduced to forever waiting in the wings.
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Still, they all go on.

The pseudo-Republicans are avoiding the main issue of this campaign, nation, and Europe: The bureaucratic class is so expensive to maintain that they are destroying the economies of states, nations, and continents. Their power is so entrenched that no one dares to challenge it.

Simply reducing all government expenditures, personnel, benefits, and pensions by 20% would cause the West to flourish. The Worldwide Bureaucracy would rather that our nations be destroyed than that bureaucrats suffer any reductions in anything.


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