The Underpinning of Society:

Underpinning of Society

There are two kinds of commodities. Some commodities take turns being “the thing we’re running out of”. Others, the bases of more profitable businesses, are things that “we’re always running out of”.

Shortages in nickel, gold, iron and other metals are cyclical. When prices get high, more money is available for more mines. Invariably, cheaper sources magically appear. Inefficient mines are closed. The desire to do so is what caused the original “shortage”.

Oil, on the other hand, is perennially “about to disappear”.

Results of Fear

When these imaginary problems are magnified, people from the center of the bell curve begin to worry. That, to our fearless leaders, is what they’re supposed to do. That worry can be turned into “deep concerns” that translate into political action.

Then, money begins to be taken from citizens, worried or not, and the problem gets worse. Worry and tax expenditures increase proportionately, so working solutions to problems are steadfastly ignored.

Now, an entire generation is fearful of everything. Since we’ve been taxed to death, or had our money devalued (same thing), there’s not much we can do about anything.

Fear, mostly of Imaginary Problems, is at the economic base of our society. As Chesterton explained, “The man who does not believe in God will believe in anything.”

The Underpinning of Society was brought to you by Catholic Fundamentalism.
