There are questions we all avoid answering.

History is clear.  Martin Luther and his followers have shattered Catholic Unity.  Because of them, Catholic Teaching, “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”  is often avoided.  There are questions we all avoid answering.

1. “If your efforts result in people leaving The Catholic Church and they then destroy their own children by abortion and abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and implants, do you bear some responsibility?

2. “Is the blood of billions of unborn children on the hands of all who willfully lead people to disobey and disregard The Only Church Jesus Founded?”

3. “Many support denominations that do not clearly condemn, in writing, both abortion and abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and implants that kill the tiniest of unborn babies.  Some are no larger than a grain of salt, as you and I once were.   Is the blood of innocents on the hands of those who support such denominations?

Many Protestants hate the questions Catholics must ask.  The smarter Protestants hate those questions the most!

That means there is enough remaining morality in those involved to not want to think about what the undermining of Catholic Teachings is doing to the most helpless of our own neighbors and children.  That prompts another question:

4. “Those who do not want to think about such life and death issues choose to avoid them.  Don’t we magnify our sin by consciously not considering the results of our silence?”

If Catholics do not ask those questions, who will?  Protestants will not ask the questions that we Catholics must ask ourselves:

1. “Are Pro-Life people to be silenced by the disapproval of those who do not meaningfully care about life?”

2. “Do Catholics sin by fearing to identify the cause of billions of unborn babies being killed?”

3. “How may we better defend the lives of the unborn?”

4. “Will God forgive us for our silence?”

