“They Think We’re Stupid”

is a common way we react to most government pronouncements. The statement is wrong. In fact, our governments do not think that we’re stupid. They just feel a deep need to remind us at every opportunity that we are powerless to keep them from doing anything they want to do.

When we see what is said to be some great government accomplishment, like several, different “food pyramids” that appear with amazing and unasked for frequency from the Department of Agriculture, we are knowingly being presented with institutionalized uselessness.

Why do they bother?

It is one of the most convincing ways that they have to remind us that we have no control over anything they do. They will admit to themselves: “This ‘food pyramid’ is another useless boondoggle. It is the result of dozens of billions of dollars being wasted by our large, useless Agency. We want to remind you disgusting taxpayers that you can’t do anything to stop us from taking your money and wasting it on things as stupid as this, our latest ‘food pyramid’. You are, in fact, our slaves.”

When the TSA strip searches or “pats down” 95 year old women in diapers, or infants wearing the same thing, and has anyone who protests arrested, the clear message is: “We can do anything we want to any of you and there is nothing you can do about it.”

“We can reduce their spending.”, some of the naive insist, often nodding wisely. More knowledgeable people see when and where that has happened to any government agency to see how futile it is.

There is no point in revolt–it only makes them stronger. Those who are anxious and eager to have armed security forces trample the citizens they despise are looking for an excuse to do so. “The public safety comes first!” they will insist, as any trouble-makers, are eliminated.

So, What Do We Do?

We understand that God’s in His Heaven and all’s right with the world. We realize that each of our souls will be judged and sentenced on how we used our free will.

Some have freely, and eagerly, chosen to enslave and impoverish their neighbors with taxes and regulations in order to enrich themselves with huge salaries, pensions, and benefits. They have chosen to not love their neighbors.

As the damage they do becomes more apparent, we must understand that such ruthless advantage-takers are being sent to condemnation. The tyrannies of this world are allowed to exist in order to get as many of them there as are willing to trample us to get there. So, our duty is clear. We have to help God weed The Garden. That’s as good a reason as any to “Do good to them that hurt you.”

Western Democracies give more people than ever the freedom to obey God and choose Heaven or adopt some alternative idol and eternity. An amazing number of our neighbors choose to do the latter. Providing God with a self-weeding garden of remarkable size and efficiency is about the only good thing democracy has done.

Be Careful What You Ask For

The ancient Israelites demanded that God give them a King. He told them that wasn’t a good idea, but they insisted. So, He gave them a King, warning them that it wouldn’t be as helpful for them as relying on Him. Their kings ended up destroying their Kingdoms.

After monarchies became established, they often worked well. At one time, “a virgin could safely walk across England carrying a bag of gold.” Then, people started asking for a Democracy. “We have the right to rule ourselves!”, they decided. “You’ll be sorry!”, God could have told them.

Now, that Democracies’ tax rates have risen from the monarchs’ 10% to fifty, sixty, and seventy per cent of citizens’ earnings, more people in more bankrupt nations are asking, “Wouldn’t we be better off if we were ruled by a good King?”

Too late.
