Things change. The Church doesn’t.

I bought our farm when twenty five years younger. The farmer had retired, and I had no interest in farming. The huge barn blew down in an awful windstorm. That generated a substantial, and welcome, check from the insurance company. The two brick silos at one end remained. We put concrete platforms on the tops. We reached them by a complicated flight of stairs so we could use them for high-altitude patios. A couple of times, we did exactly that.

Now, I’m too old to pretend that the patios-in-the-sky have any use at all. Bricks are starting to fall off a couple of places. The silos are coming down. They had been the pride and joy of the old family, who’d put them up around WWI.

This afternoon, they will be a pile of rubble. Our biggest problem is finding a place to dump the bricks.

It’s going to be a day for demolition. An old, collapsing corncrib will be removed, as well. Even if I were to farm the farm again, the old buildings would be useless. “A barn isn’t even good for a barn, any more.”, a farmer once explained to me. “Everything is different, now.”
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The Only Church Jesus Founded has far, far older buildings. Many are still in use. The Body and Blood are still provided to the faithful in ways that have not changed. Things change. The Church doesn’t.

Beyond that pale, there are greater changes. And, there aren’t as many farmers going to Church because there aren’t as many farmers. As tractors and implements get bigger, fewer farmers are needed. A few miles North of town, one farmer and a half-dozen assistants take their huge machines around to seven thousand acres of scattered fields. On those fields, they more food than forty five or fifty families used to produce. In cities, automated factories have fewer people who produce more than former throngs.

Old, secular buildings and processes of every kind continue to be razed and replaced. Through all the changes, The Only Church Jesus Founded continues to provide the most important thing Jesus said we needed: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”


Vanity always leads Willful Protestants to question Words of The Father and The Son. ~ Question 1: “Have Willful Protestants always asked self-serving question to avoid Jesus?” Answer: “Willful Protestants love to ask questions that justify disobedience to Jesus. We see that in Mk 12:18-27: ‘Some Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to […]

That brightest spot is the soul inside our body and mind. It is a ‘pearl of great price’. ~ Question 1: “Where does Jesus say that ‘unholy vanity’ keeps many souls from Heaven?” Answer: “Jesus said that almost every time He Spoke! A good example is in Today’s Reading, Mt 13:44-46: ‘Jesus said to his […]

Catholics pray to not let Worldly Concerns lead us away from Any Word of Jesus. ~ “Question 1:  “What are the ‘two roads’ that every person on earth must choose?” Answer:  “We may walk on God’s ‘Straight and narrow path’ or we may choose to join the crowds proudly parading down ‘the broad path to destruction.’” […]