The Three Frogs of Rev. 16;13-14

16:13 “And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; 14 for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty.”

There have been many suggestions as to what the three frogs symbolize. We do know that frogs are cold-blooded and we know how they eat. When insects and small birds get too close, a frog’s tongue shoots out, the hapless target is stuck to it, drawn into its mouth, chewed, swallowed, and digested. This symbolizes that the frog-like evil spirits are, themselves, the sticky tongues that came out of the mouth of the dragon, beast, and false prophet to catch and devour souls. Frogs’ tongues can only stick out limited distances, so this passage affirms the importance of “avoiding the near occasion of sin”.

Catholic Fundamentalists suggest that the three frogs represent Modernism, Materialism, and Moslemism. Each of them, in different ways, draws souls to destruction.

Modernism may be the name for Frog #1. It’s a perennial justification for sinning that repeats itself with each new generation’s bad choices: “Since today is different than yesterday, and this place is different from other places, new and different rules, behaviors, and thoughts are needed. It is wrong for us to be enslaved to the laws and rules of the past. Instead, we have to be fulfilled.”

In the 1920s, automation freed unprecedented numbers of people from the drudgery of having to work for a living. Those in that age actually called it “The Modern Age”,and called thoughts and things produced in it “Modern” or Moderne”. That fit so well that following generations of Moderns didn’t know what to call their own time. According to more modern moderns, we are now living in the even more modern, “Post-Modern Age”. No one is sure what future generations of moderns will call themselves, since Post-Post Modern and Post-Post-Post Modern have something ridiculously old-fashioned about them and indicate an intellectual failure to actually come up with something new. But, they may keep adding another “Post-” for another generation or so, some of them realizing that there’s always the possibility that the world is going to end before going to all the trouble of inventing new nomenclature becomes necessary. The thought of The Program being erased both justifies and affirms the Modernist’s creed in all ages of “grabbing all the gusto you can”, knowing that “We’ve got to get it while the getting’s good!”

The “signs they perform which go out to the kings of the whole world” are the intellectual (invariably should be preceded by “psedo-“) movements this particular demon begins and spreads to move people away from traditional faith and morals into sins that will destroy them and their societies. Getting people and peoples to sin makes them weaker and more easily controlled, a process of which earthly rulers are quick to take advantage. “Quick, give this frog more power!”, a ruler will say when thwarted by some old-fashioned stick-in-the mud critics omplaining about the destructiveness of excessive deficit spending or abortion-on-demand.

We can see who’s working with Frog #1 by seeing who’s telling us that the old ways aren’t any good any more.

Materialism is a good description for Frog #2. It always encourages and justifies our obsession with programmed entities. It draws us into every form of worldly entrapment, from lust to the inanimate products that tempt us daily. Babylonian craftsmen and salesmen are always with us, offering up endless entities to tempt us. Materialism exalts the things of this world, and gets us to focus on them. As we gather more of them into our possession, spending too little time thinking about how transient that ownership is, we are increasingly separated from The Loving Programmer of our own souls. As our infatuation with worldly concerns grows, so does our distance from The Loving Programmer. When we are swallowed up by things and people, we are lost, thanks to the second frog.

Frog #3 lives in the form of Communists, Buddhists, Hindus, and other anti-God, anti-Christ teachings. It represents all the false doctrines that false priests use to separate people from The Loving Programmer, The Program, and The Holy Wireless Connector. Frog #3 both represents and disgorges the most extreme and the most successful of the belief systems that lead people away from loving God and neighbor.

False belief systems are systems for looting and enslaving first souls, then minds, and finally, bodies. A common characteristic is the exaltation of hate, which is such an important component of their Frog #3’s efforts that systems based on it end up being ruled by those who are most filled with hate. They only recognize that which will serve the earthly goals of the virus and its minions, who are never served by loving their neighbors. Such systems have their origin in hatred of intelligence, love, and freedom. They hate the good, the smart and the free so much so much that they sanctify hatred, ignorance, and slavery. We have but to look at the places where hatred rules, whether the blood-soaked pyramids of the Americas or the once-pleasant, happy, Catholic country of Cuba, to know that we should always choose love.
