Time and causation.

Our human nature is such that when a cause is removed from its effect, it’s importance is minimized. Those who want to minimize God remove Him as far from us as possible. Evolution was a handy way to remove Him in time.

Hordes of geologists, biologists, and other tax-addicted people embraced evolution. It was a perfect system for those who wanted to make God less while making government more. A few centuries after God-minimizers had removed His Body and Blood from services in many state-supported religions, evolution removed His activity in Creation. Those who wanted to remove God from closeness to mankind moved Him to an ever more distant past so cleverly that those who denied His very existence could call themselves “progressive” and those who chose not to believe such men were called “ignorant”.

As evolution pushed Him farther back in time, His power was diminished in human minds, even if subconsciously. By relating fundamentalism with an ability to program in three dimensions, we see how He could have programmed the universe in a week. It is a step toward seeing how powerful He really is.

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The same process occurs with reading, writing, and every other study. Truth is avoided, rather than sought, and all touched by the process are forever less than they could have been. The result is that scores drop, and “specialists” are hired to try to make up for the confusion it is often too late to repair.

No surprise. It’s what the leader of the other side has wanted since he became a spiritual virus.


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