Everything’s okay.

Robert Browning’s old poem says “God’s in His Heaven, all’s right with the world.” That sounds good until we look at all that seems to be wrong.

The poem is right, there’s nothing wrong. The things that we think are wrong are all caused by people with free will who make bad choices.

Problems in education are caused by people who will not do anything good that might jeopardize their tenure.

Environmental problems are caused by people who willingly exaggerate and tell lies for money.

Political problems are caused by people who take bribes to take little bits of created matter and energy from their rightful owners and give them to favored people.

Problems in the legal system are always the result of people choosing not to tell the truth.

All the problems inflicted by government stem from hordes of people whose self-deception drives them into thinking that they are helping by taxing and regulating their neighbors into slavery.

All such problems are wonderful. They allow the worst among us to determine where they are going to spend eternity by stealing from us. The very same problems give us an opportunity to show that we have moved into the Kingdom of God by loving our enemies. With an economy of effort so efficient that it must be divine, God has set up one world that lets everyone be free to decide where they want to spend eternity or be free to decide that’s not a problem of concern.

Truly, God has set it up most wonderfully. Vain politicians rave on and on, and we have an opportunity love them no matter how much they hate us and lie to us.

For those who love their neighbor, God is in His Heaven, and all is right with the world.
