Tipping Point Fever.

Yesterday’s post described two of the major mental disorders afflicting hundreds of millions of minds.   Doom and Gloom Syndrome and Can’tbetoocarefulitis keep people from thinking clearly enough to realize that there is an eternity of joy awaiting those who simply believe in and obey The Loving Programmer.

Those suffering from Doom and Gloom Syndrome and Can’tbetoocarefulitis have a related malady known as Tipping Point Fever.

The susceptible person is infected when hearing some pseudo-intellectual explaining:  “If I have a gallon puddle  of water and I put a one-celled amoeba into it, it will divide, and there will be two amoebas in the puddle.  After they double, there will be four.  When they divide, there will be eight!”

The simple-mindedness of the exercise is disguised by a growing hysteria.  “Soon, there will be ten million one-celled organisms in the jar!!  When they double one more time, the puddle will be filled with amoebas!!!  When they double again, the puddle will overflow with amoebas and all of them will die!!!!!”

This process is described, breathlessly, as The Tipping Point.  In academic circles, anyone who talks about The Tipping Point is thought to be an “intellectual”.   Every human being able to walk and chew gum can understand, repeat, and feverishly apply The Tipping Point to nearly any activity.  So, all who talk about The Tipping Point, or think about talking about it, enjoy envisioning themselves as “intellectuals”.   After awhile, they are able to identify and project any process involving living beings to an ending that triumphantly concludes:  “All of them will die!”

That is the widespread delusion known as Tipping Point Fever.  The disease has two symptoms:  1.  Fancying oneself to be an intellectual and, 2.  Distorting the mind to be able to conclude that any identifiable human activity must conclude with mass destruction.

No one suffering from Tipping Point Fever is able to intelligently answer one simple question while their minds are disabled by the disease:   “Since there have been billions of puddles all over the world that have contained at least one amoeba, why hasn’t any one ever ph0tographed a puddle that was literally filled with dead amoebas?”

