“Tomorrow is Election Day.”

“Tomorrow is Election Day.” we may tell people, only to be surprised at one reply: “I don’t vote. There’s no point in it. My vote never matters.” Since few elections are decided by one vote, and any important election that was that close would be immediately contested, it’s impossible to argue with that statement. So, why should we vote?

Our votes tell us where we stand with God. Of any two candidates, one is more pro-life. One is more inclined to fight for lower taxes. One has a greater tendency to fight fraud and tyranny.

Of those two candidates, the other is more anti-life, in favor of higher taxes, and will tolerate, if not encourage, fraud and tyranny. Our vote tells us where we stand on issues.

Our vote should be based on which candidate is closer to God and whose decisions in public office will more closely mirror His wishes. If we don’t try to vote for the best candidate, we end up among the the morally tepid. The Operating Instructions tell us in Rev, 3;16, exactly what God thinks of them: “the lukewarm water I spit out of my mouth.”
