Two Kinds of Bribes are Offered


Most of the bribes with which we’re familiar are those proffered to public officials.  We see those big bribes flowing, for instance, from Middle-Eastern oil producers to American and European officials.  Those kinds of bribes are designed to keep nations from developing their own energy resources.  The largest such bribes may use complicated, interwoven groups of environmentalists, activists, and others who make a living from such payments.

Every level of government is corrupted by such public bribes.  Those involved in the process are in various “families” of organized crime.  They tend to do very well by pocketing money taken from helpless taxpayers in every area of human activity.

Two Kinds of Bribes are Offered

The “Big Bribes” have a more important mission than merely weeding out the big liars and thieves.  They distract each of us human programs from the far more dangerous “Small Bribes” while simultaneously minimizing their comparative importance.  The virus whose mission it is to corrupt us human programs has minions.   Dark, swarming viruses offer  bribes to each of us on a daily, even hourly basis.  We are all given lots of opportunities to lie, cheat, or steal for personal pleasure or gain.

The bribes we are offered are accompanied by the usual, viral camoflauge:   “It’s not so bad.”, “Don’t worry about eternal consequences, because there aren’t any.”,  “You have to look out for number one.”,  “It won’t hurt anybody.  Not really.”,  “No one will know.”,  “You owe it to yourself.”, and the ever-popular “Don’t worry about it.”  Those are some of the  “Small Bribes”  that often come into our minds.  Sometimes, we welcome such justifcations for giving into temptations.
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Such thoughts are not merely words;  they are living, corrupting viruses.  They take form within our mind in the form of  “Small Bribes”.  Each such bribe offers us something in exchange for separating ourselves in lesser or greater degrees from The Loving Programmer Who downloaded each one of us within His vast Creation Program.

Most of us are not in a position to be offered really big bribes, like picking up a few million dollars for building billion dollar wind and solar energy facilities that don’t, and can’t, work.   But, we are all  important enough to be given countless opportunities to accept lots and lots and lots of  “Small Bribes”.  They corrupt our own human program’s operating system in direct proportion as to the number of times we let them.

Ignoring such temptations helps deliver us from the evil into which the corrupting virus tries to lead us.  He went to an amazing amount of work to write and download The Creation Program to give us human programs decades and decades of opportunities to choose or deny Him.

Thanks for reading Two Kinds of Bribes are Offered only at  Catholic Fundamentalism.


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