Unborn victims of an ancient war.

The Ten Northern Tribes left Judah and Benjamin when Solomon’s son ascended to the throne and announced that he was raising taxes. The Ten Tribes were at war with Judah, and excessive government, from then on. Later, the Ten Tribes fought Syrians, as well.

In 720 BC, Syrians conquered the Ten Tribes. Many were deported into the North. They maintained some Tribal identity as they migrated into the Caucasus, which is why we’re called “Caucasian”, Europe, and India. Some went by land, others, by sea.

Over the following centuries, they became the dominant peoples of Europe as the separate tribes turned into their own territories and nations. Tribes from the Saxons to the Lombards took over most of Europe. Hispanics are largely descended from Suevi and Visigoths. The earlier natives, as would happen later in the Americas, were subordinated to the newer people.

Over time, many in The Ten Tribes became Catholic. So did many in Judah and Benjamin. The anti-Catholic remnants of the tribes joined other apostates to continue the war against the Tribes and the Faith that unified them.

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Vicious killers in the war against the Middle Classes of Europe and the Americas wage war against unborn children. Abortion is the war waged against us by those who hate truth, love, and The Church Jesus Founded.


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