Once we understand. . .

Those who want to sin embrace one of four beliefs. First, “there is no God and no judge.” Second,” if there is a God, He doesn’t care what we do.” Third, “if there is a God, He will forgive us, no matter what we do.” Fourth, “If there is a God, He wants me to do what I want.”

In the first case, the vain insist that there is no God. In the other three, He is defined downward. “If there is a God, He is not as important as my personal vanity.”

Every theory encouraged by the other side has those basic, often unspoken, premises woven into it. Their flight from a judgmental Higher Power is painfully obvious.

As we grow in understanding His programming ability, we must tell others: “God is a Loving Programmer. He has programmed every structure and system to give mankind, His most complicated program, free will. He programmed the world, and you, so perfectly that every person must be unable to prove it, thereby taking away free will.”

There can be but a few reactions. First, “I do not choose to believe that.” Second, “That may be true, but I cannot prove it, therefore, I cannot take it seriously.” Third, “So what? I don’t want to be bothered thinking about such things.”

Our responses include, “Now, you are aware of a theory that explains every single thing there is. That theory covers all the bases, and cannot be disproved. If you willfully act against His Programming Instructions without disproving His ability to have programmed everything, you will no longer be able to claim ignorance as an excuse for your sins.”

Another thing we may want to share: “Usually, it is not that people do not believe in God. Often, they have never even considered defining God as a Being Who is able to program in more than three dimensions and to hide His Programming so well that many of His human programs don’t know about it.”
