Viruses, in the Mind and in the Body Politic

We should consider improper thoughts that come into our consciousness as living, spiritual viruses. They feed upon us, garnering some sort of spiritual energy transmitted on spiritual wavelengths beyond our ability to detect. Political tyrants, whether aristocratic or bureaucratic, are viruses who feed on the body politic. They fatten themselves on the diminishing, impoverished citizenry.

One way to deal with improper thoughts is to stop them as soon as we’re aware of them. Generally, a short prayer will put them to flight. “Please, Loving Programmer, erase this evil virus.” is generally enough. Repeated until the thought goes away, it will soon retreat, though ready to attack again.

One way to deal with tyrannical bureaucrats is to simply give them what they want. Then, they will come back for more. Soon, we will have nothing left to take. The different types of political viruses will soon begin to feed on each other. That, as we see in Cuba, doesn’t make things better for the long-suffering people, but it does make for greatly shortened bureaucratic lives.

In an astonishingly short time, we all will go to Judgment. The lost souls, swollen to an obscene “spiritual obesity”, couldn’t fit on the straight and narrow path. There is no way they will get to, much less through, the door at the end that leads to The Sheepfold Beyond.
