Vote pro-abortion, go to hell.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

We can’t get to Heaven simply by “voting right”. But, we can be sent to hell for “voting wrong”.

The Only Church Jesus Founded has rules. Those who break the rules are excommunicated. They are sent to hell, forever. Jesus told us in Mt. 16: 18-20 that He gave His Church that power. He gave the chosen leader of The Only Church He Founded the Keys to Heaven. One man had, and passed on, the actual Keys to Heaven.

Some sins bring automatic excommunication. Participating in the killing of an unborn baby brings automatic excommunication. If we vote for a candidate who is pro-abortion, we are voting to fund abortion. That is participating in abortion.

Those who try to make the issue more complicated than “Live or die” are, by introducing confusion, also participating in the killing of unborn babies.

Some birth control chemicals and devices work by killing the tiniest of babies. Those who use them are participating in abortion. Those who do not want to think about them are also participating. If they realize there is a problem, and intentionally do not think about it, they are participating in abortion.

The Creation Program has two parts: The Roman Catholic Church and Babylon opposed. Most of us, stupidly, tend to be comfortable “in the middle”. The farther we get from The Only Church Jesus Founded, the more we are supportive of Babylon and the less rigorous are the demands we make on ourselves to be Pro-life.

Outside The Church are throngs of “lukewarm water”, scattered into an insane 44,000 separate denominations, each founded by a greedy ego-maniac who would not bend the knee in The Only Church Jesus Founded. It will be recalled that Revelation 3:16 tells us what He said: “But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, not hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth.”

So, let’s get some fire in our belly. At the very least, always vote Pro-life. To do otherwise is a damnable mistake.
