Is voting pro-choice/abortion automatic damnation?

Few people give a direct answer to the most important question in any democracy: Is voting pro-choice/abortion automatic damnation?

For one to be guilty of sin, one must be the “proximate cause” of the wrong that is done. What is “proximate cause”?

“In the law, a proximate cause is an event sufficiently related to a legally recognizable injury to be held to be the cause of that injury. There are two types of causation in the law: cause-in-fact, and proximate (or legal) cause. Cause-in-fact is determined by the “but for” test: But for the action, the result would not have happened. For example, but for running the red light, the collision would not have occurred. For an act to cause a harm, both tests must be met; proximate cause is a legal limitation on cause-in-fact.”
We know that Pro-choice/abortion candidates vote to fund organizations that encourage and provide abortions. Without that funding, there would be fewer abortions. Therefore, voting for a pro-choice/abortion candidate is a “proximate cause” that will cause innocent, unborn children to die.

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It gets worse for those who make excuses. Complicated lies must be told to avoid the direct connection between abortion funding and abortion. Hiding that simple truth automatically compounds the sin of murder with bearing false witness. That sends the soul more deeply into the agonizing areas of hades where, Dante assures us, such “Complex Fraud” are appropriately punished.

Lots of people wanted democracy. We have it. If we choose to use our freedom to vote to fund the death of inconvenient innocents, we are damned.


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