War Against the Good, the True, the Loving, the Free, the Diligent, and the Smart

Free societies, as the United States between the Revolution and WWI, understand that their prosperity comes from a large number of people being good, truthful, loving, free, diligent, and intelligent. Within these societies, natural separations take place, with an aristocracy and people aligned against the common foe of oppression and taxation.

Socialist societies depend on oppression and taxation. As a country begins to rot, those who could not be successful in a free society and didn’t want to get their hands dirty gravitated into government.

Today, countless bureaus and agencies are designed to provide lush jobs and benefits for those willing to wage war against the good, truthful, loving, free, diligent people. As those who hate us increase in number, things become worse. They do not care. That’s the way they want it.

It is not so much that they love themselves, but that they hate us. They hate us more than anything.
