We Must Climb Jacob’s Ladder, Taking the First Steps to Heaven.

“Jacob’s Ladder” describes a vision Jacob had when he saw angels going up and down, to and from, earth and Heaven.  (Aside:  While he was asleep and dreaming, he was using a stone for a pillow.  Some Scots believe it was the pillow-sized Stone of Scone that rests beneath the English Throne.)

We see Jacob’s Ladder as an allegory.  How do we get into Heaven?  We must climb Jacob’s Ladder, taking the first steps to Heaven.

The first step:  Fearing God and living in an upright manner.

Second:  Believing and being baptized.

Third:  Not going backwards.

This will get us to step two.  If no other sins are present, this may be sufficient for salvation.  There are steps beyond, but we must get up at least these two steps, without backsliding.  Why?  We must climb Jacob’s ladder, taking the first steps to Heaven.  We want to spend eternity with God and joy, avoiding the eternal pain inflicted on those who do not try to save themselves.
