We’ve been warned by Isaiah

During The Thousand Year Reign of The Catholic Church, from the fall of Rome to Martin Luther, all social structures were connected to The Only Church Jesus Founded.

As The Thousand Year Reign drew to a close, Luther began the splintering of Christendom into what would become a bizarre 43,000 competing schisms.

Miraculously, some Christian ideals remain, along with a weakened Roman Catholic Church. The Church has been dwarfed, in the past six hundred years, by an amazing number of political, educational, and scientific edifices. Vast and countless libraries are filled with books on every manner of human thought and feeling.

Empires of academics bring forth edifices of scholarly work to justify one idea: “God had little or nothing to do with anything.”

Geology and Astronomy have interwoven theories. Chemistry and physics, like flying buttresses, support the lofty towers of Academia where all rejoice in the worship of no-God.

Rulers collect the taxes and pay false priests for supporting them. All that which is purported to support No-God may now be seen as false. One sentence causes questions that cannot be answered.

“no-God says the universe is billions of years old. But, now we can understand: “God programs in particles. He compiles them into systems and beings. We are play our parts in a huge, long-running 3-D movie, a program written so well that we cannot prove that He is the Writer and Producer.”

We, in our age, more easily understand than ever that God has written and downloaded The Creation Program. All that we know, and all that we are, are parts of The Creation Program.

The huge structures of Babylon cannot show that such a simple concept is wrong. no-God is so weak that one sentence “God programs in particles that He compiled into systems and beings to give us free will.” cannot be refuted.

As sin continues, as abortions go on, God’s promise to no-God, as we see in Isaiah 30: 12-15 comes closer: “Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel, “Since you have rejected this word And have put your trust in oppression and guile, and have relied on them, Therefore this iniquity will be to you Like a breach about to fall, A bulge in a high wall, Whose collapse comes suddenly in an instant, Whose collapse is like the smashing of a potter’s jar, So ruthlessly shattered That a sherd will not be found among its pieces To take fire from a hearth Or to scoop water from a cistern.”
How will it begin? Is the “bulge in the high wall” to begin by nuclear blasts destroying all wireless communications and computer operations? Will that be followed by repetitions of the Turkish, Nazi, and Communist genocides?

We’ve been warned by Isaiah.
