What are we? We are our soul. Save it!

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In the Iron Age, Aquinas said “the soul is the first principle of life”.   In the Computer Age, we see that truth in modern terms:  “Our soul is an immortal program.  Our spirit, mind, and body are downloaded around it from the moment of conception.   What are we?  We are our soul.  Save it!

Each soul is  “made in the image of God.”  Therefore, our soul, like God, is a creator.  Our soul combines from DNA from our parents and their ancestors at its conception.  The spirit, mind, and body it creates draws sustenance from our mother.  Our soul downloads our spirit, mind, and body around it as we grow in our mother’s womb.  Jesus described souls:   They “run like sparks through stubble”.

Every soul but His Mother’s was stained by Original Sin.   The Sacrament of Baptism erases that “error in the human program”.  By First Confession, the soul’s mind is able to reason.

The Catholic Sacrament of Penance removes errors that have crept in since Baptism.  Later, First Communion gives souls the greatest blessing on earth:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Body you do not have life in you.”

Then, blessed souls are nourished by Holy Energy directly from He Who brought it into being.   Souls strengthened by Confirmation receive The Holy Spirit.

Every minute, every human is tempted by pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth.  Many souls are drowned by distracting demands of spirit, mind, and body.

Every sane person wants to get to Heaven.  Jesus was clear:  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

His most repeated specific instruction?  He said, fourteen times, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  His Apostles repeated that six more times.

The sanest souls strive to obey the only way possible.  We obey the teaching of The Only Church He Founded.  We receive His Actual Body and Blood from priests ordained in living link with the Apostles whom He ordained at The Last Supper.

What are we?  We are our soul.  Save it!
