What IS Protestantism? “A Simple Reason to ‘Be Catholic’!” #18.

There is a good thing about Protestantism.  It gives us Simple Reasons to “Be Catholic”.


Question 1:  “Why is Protestantism ‘A Simple Reason to be Catholic’?”

Answer:  “Protestantism leads its donors to disobey The Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ to The First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.'”


Question 2:  “Is it possible to ‘meaningfully believe’ in Jesus if we disobey His Teachings?”

Answer:  “Every Willful Protestant hates that question!”


Question 3:  “Why do Willful Protestants hate that question?”

Answer:  “The Profiteers of Protestantism want to preach and teach but do not want to live as Jesus and His Catholic priests did, in poverty, celibacy, and obedience.”


Question 4:  “Why do nearly 50,000 denominations of Willful Protestantism avoid requiring ministers to live in poverty, celibacy, and obedience?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestantism is a compromise between God and the world.  Divorce was once condemned, but is now accepted by most Profiteers of Protestantism.  When artificial birth control was invented, Willful Protestants agreed with Catholics:  ‘It is wrong’.  Then, to ‘keep donors donating’, they allowed it.  When abortion became popular, most Willful Protestant denominations stopped condemning it.  ”


Question 5:  “What is the error in Willful Protestantism?”

Answer:  “Their compromises with sin become obvious.  Those who hate living in contradiction to God know The Catholic Church has not wavered in This Teaching‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 6:  “Why is that so important?”

Answer:  “Intelligent people know:  ‘The Catholic Church is nearly the only Denomination that teaches complete obedience to The Sixth Commandment:  ‘Thou shall not kill.’  Protestantism does good by bringing people who love God more than themselves into The Catholic Church.”


Question 7:  “What else do people who become Catholic understand?”

Answer: “They realize:  ‘If The Catholic Church can be true to That Teaching, then we can believe that She does have ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.”

