What is the 11th silly thing some Protestants say?

Over a hundred billion people have lived on earth. He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies picked one person. He said to him:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Then, Jesus promised that The Holy Spirit would guide The Church He Spoke Into Being. He left Peter and his Successors in charge of The Catholic Church when He Ascended Into Heaven.

After a few years, Peter moved the Headquarters of The Church to Rome. That huge city was the Capitol of The Roman Empire. Peter knew that “All roads lead to Rome.”

Peter, and many others, were crucified for being Catholic. “I am unworthy to be crucified as Jesus. Please crucify me upside down.” Nero’s executioners were glad to do so. His body was buried on the Vatican Hill. It has never been among “The Seven Hills of Rome”.

Peter was Succeeded by Pope Linus. Jesus forged the first link with His Ordination of Peter. His Unbroken Chain will continue until the appointed end.


Soon, a Catholic Church was built over Peter’s body. The High Altar of The Vatican is still located directly over Peter’s tomb. The robes of consecrated Cardinals are still lowered to be touched by the grace of Peter.

Peter’s bones are chemically similar to limestone. Catholics also see that meaning in Jesus’ Holy Word. “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church . . .”


What is the 11th silly thing some Protestants say?

“2,000 years of History are wrong. Peter never went to Rome.”


That is an insult to History and to The Holy Spirit! Jesus promised that The Holy Spirit would guide His Church. The Holy Spirit guided Peter to Rome. Even Martin Luther knew that Peter went to Rome!

Some Profiteers of Protestantism will say anything to justify their disobedience to The Holy, Church-Founding Word of Jesus.

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