What is the 10th silly thing some Protestants say?

The Catholic Church is not for the willful. Catholic Teaching began with The Holy Word by Which Jesus Spoke The Only Church He Founded Into Being.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


What is the 10th silly thing some Protestants say?

“I am just a simple follower of Jesus and The Bible.”

When they say that, they will nod their heads up and down. At first, they appear to be sincere.

+ Catholics Understand +

Such a person cannot be a “follower” of Jesus and The Bible! The Holy Church-Founding Decree of Jesus is in The Bible.

They are not “simple followers” of Jesus and The Bible! They are cunning people who lead donors to join them in disobeying both Jesus and The Bible.

When a person says “I am just a simple follower of Jesus and The Bible.”, he or she is not being “simple”. That is a complicated, carefully calculated lie. It is told to justify their willful disobedience all that Jesus taught.

The person pretending to be “a simple follower of Jesus and The Bible” is hiding from truth.

What their words mean is clear.

“I refuse to obey The Holy, Church-Founding Word of Jesus that is in The Bible. I do not want anyone to argue with me, so I say that I am ‘simple’. I want to give the illusion that I respect and obey Jesus. That is why I say I ‘follow’ Him and The Bible. I tell two lies every time I repeat: ‘I am just a simple follower of Jesus and The Bible’.”


They are engaging in what Dante identified as “Complex fraud”. They are neither “simple” nor are they “followers”.

They will go to Judgment. They do not fool Jesus.

Most of them already know that. Their refusal to admit that is an additional Complexity of the Fraud.

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