What is “The finger of God”?

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

Over the past months, many insights from “The City of God”, written by Sister Mary Agrede in the mid-1600s, have appeared in these columns.

In the fourth volume of her magnifient outpouring of The Blessed Mother’s revelations to her, she speaks of  The  Holy Spirit.  The Blessed Mother informs us, through the Spanish nun, that “The Father and the Son have the power to send The Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit has the power to be sent.”

Sister Marysums up what she was told of the power and nature of The Holy Spirit in this sentence:  allowing us to see the answer to “What is the finger of God?” 

 “The Holy Spirit is the finger of God.”

It helps us, when we pray, to remember that description.  We are, in our prayers, asking God to do what we do when getting things done on earth, using our fingers to accomplish our goals.  When we pray, we ask God to work, as we do with our own fingers.

We can picture the “finger of God” going into minds and changing them; shifting, moving, reconnecting tiny filaments invisible to us.  Such is the power of prayer.
