What’s really wrong with the housing market?

Back in the 1930s and 40s, Stalinists took control of the teachers’ unions in the United States. They knew that tenured teachers, under their control, would provide a near-eternal funding mechanism for their endless depredations on every host culture into which they could insert themselves. At the same time, those unions would be able to provide good, safe, secure jobs for Party hacks and loyalists.

Having just gone through a depression in which incomes were drastically reduced, the Party did not want their new branch funded by an income tax. “It’s safer to fund public education with property taxes. The fools have to live somewhere, and we’ll be able to tax them all, regardless of how much, or how little, money they make.”

Every year, property taxes go up in lockstep with teachers’ salaries. Houses are worth, adjusted for inflation, far less than they have been, but taxes still go up. As it becomes more apparent that each house is merely another opportunity for the vast public education empire to enslave home-owners, houses drop in value while taxes go endlessly up.

As a result of excessive taxation, the housing market in most places shows declining values, with dozens of millions of homes standing vacant. But, no mainstream media ever lets people know that value is disappearing largely because of teachers’ unions successfully raising property taxes.
