Where does “the woman in scarlet” ride? Around “the seven hills”!

Catholics understand the meaning of “the seven hills of Rome”. Each of the “hills” represents a seat of political power. Every Babylon in History has the same “seven hills”! Each “hill” is a political power that is very close to each of us. Revelation 17 is clear. The “woman in scarlet” encourages evil at every level of every empire on earth!

How does she move through time and space? “the woman in scarlet” rides rides on the “seven-headed beast”.

Where does “the woman in scarlet” go?

She goes to every person in the “seven” seats/hills of earthly governments. She gives them what they want to do her bidding!

“the woman in scarlet” tells every official in every empire the same thing. “I empower you to lie, steal, and kill!” A few people and officials prefer to love their neighbors. “The woman in purple” helps her followers get rid of them!


She gives her followers another order! The “woman in scarlet” tells her followers to hate This Teaching of Jesus Christ! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Why does the “famous prostitute” (17:2) hate The Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church provides This Teaching! “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

The “mother of all prostitutes” (17:5) hates That Teaching! She hates life. She hates freedom. She hates families.


In every age, in every empire, “the woman in scarlet” teaches all to hate The Catholic Church. Why? The Living Word of God stands in the way of death, slavery, and looting.

Catholics know History! We know that every person who hates and hurts their neighbors is following “the woman in scarlet”.

She always says the same thing! “I love to hate and hurt my neighbors! Those who follow me must love to hurt and hate them, too.”

That’s politics!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic: catholicfundamentalism.com
