Self-hatred manifests itself in self-destruction. Another type of hatred is seen in those who like seeing others destroyed. Hatred is often hidden behind pastimes made popular by those who profit from them.

Entire societies are damaged by a hatred of truth. Few want to consider:

1. The human brain is the most complicated thing on earth.

2. The human brain is easily damaged by repeated blows.

3. Brains of football players are damaged by repeated blows to the head. Each player’s brain becomes a little more damaged with each mini-concussion.  The studies show that nearly all football players have suffered measurable brain damage. The effects get worse with age.

4. Soccer players run similar, but lesser, risks.

5. Brain damage is permanent. No one with a damaged brain does as well as they would if their brain had not been damaged. If Thomas Edison had played football, he would not have been barely able to light a candle, much less invent the light bulb!  Every healthy society needs everyone’s minds working as well as possible.

When we face these facts, we have to wonder:  Who likes football? Can anyone who loves their neighbors like football?  Saying “I like football.” is really saying, “I don’t mind if people suffer permanent brain damage if it distracts me from my boring life.”

Who likes football? Those who like football cannot bear to deal with an underlying feeling: “I despise people who play football so much that I cheer when they smash into each other and cause permanent damage to their brains.”

Rome’s last gladiator contest ended when a Catholic priest, appalled at the tax-subsidized slaughter in the tax-subsidized arena, ran into the stadium and tried to pull one gladiator away before he could kill the helpless victim. The priest was murdered by the gladiator.

People left he Coliseum. Finally, they were sickened by what they had seen.

We must ask ourselves honestly:  Who likes football?