Why Catholic?

The Roman Catholic Church has been hated by religious/political establishments since Christ empowered His disciples to begin His Church. Poverty, Obedience, and Celibacy still prevail in the Catholic structure.

Newer Christian denominations tend to “get along” with political power structures while distancing themselves from “medieval superstitions and rituals”. The paid media of every age admires them for doing so. These denominations are widely praised for being “enlightened” and “progressive”. Such applause increases as they continue to veer faster and farther from God and the possibility of Heaven.

That is all the reason some of us need to become Catholic.

It is, however, not enough to argue that we should be Catholics because all the liars in the world hate The Church. They hate each other, too. The most sustaining reason to become a Catholic is the recognition that only The Roman Catholic Church is fully and completely the Body of Christ on earth.

That requires us to take a tour, often life-long, through the prophets whom The Loving Programmer downloaded and inspired in The First Programming Log. The writings they’ve left us shows that in the two thousand years that preceded His arrival, the coming Savior was mentioned hundreds of times, often in meticulous detail.

We were told that He would be born of a virgin in Bethlehem. We were told that He would ride into Jerusalem on an ass. We were told that He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver. We were told that He would be lifted up before men. We were told that “they will look upon Him Whom they pierced”. We were told that no bone of His would be broken.

All those prophecies, and a couple of hundred more, were woven throughout The First Programming Log, often by men who were despised by the power structures of their time. The accuracy of their writings was confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls. Like He Whom they predicted, the prophets were willing to suffer and die for truth.

The argument that being Catholic is justified because all the liars hate Him, in its four thousand year historical perspective, is one of the most incontrovertible reasons for being so.

That is the only reason some of us need to become Catholic.
