Why do Willful Protestants embrace and avoid 1 John?

. “Catholics take Every Word of Christ’s ‘The Most Beloved Disciple’ very seriously!”

Question 1: “Why do Willful Protestants like the first part of 1 John 5:1 ‘Whoever believes that Jesus is The Christ has been begotten by God; . .’

Answer: “All Willful Protestants are blessed to believe Jesus Christ is The Son of God. Christians are automatically among those who have ‘been begotten by God.’


Question 2: “Does God give any specific duty to those who have been blessed with the birthright to be ‘begotten by God’?”

Answer: 1 John 2:3 tells all Christians we have one job! ‘We can be sure that we know God only by keeping His commandments.’” (emphasis added)


Question 3: “Does St. John tell us the difference between believers who are truly ‘begotten by God’ and those who are not?”

Answer: “Verse 3 tells us: ‘this is what loving God is – keeping His commandments.’


Question 4: “Should all ‘Christians’ strive to be ‘keeping’ all of His ‘commandments’?”

Answer: “Yes. The step up for all Christians is to not be among those described in Verse 4: ‘Anyone who says, ‘I know Him’ and does not keep His commandments is a liar, refusing to admit the Truth.’


Question 5: “That is a Powerful Statement! Is St. John correct to use the word ‘liar’ to describe ‘believers’ who willfully ‘do not keep’ any ‘commandment’ from Jesus?”

Answer: “There cannot be a good reason for anyone to think there is any ‘wrong word’ in The Bible!”


Question 6: “Should all ‘believers’ strive to obey the ‘commandment’ with Which Jesus Christ Decreed One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being? ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’“?

Answer: 1 John is only five short Chapters and a brief ‘Epilogue’“! May every ‘believer’ read That Book and see how important it is to be ‘obedient’ to every ‘commandment’ of Jesus Christ.”

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