Why would a God Who hates abortions allow miscarriages?

Catholic Fundamentalism is in touch with thousands of readers and commentators on Facebook.  Among them are Catholics, non-Catholics, and anti-Catholics.

All have points to make.  Many anti-Catholics take being anti-Catholic so seriously they make a religion of it.  Many search for reasons for being anti-Catholic and eagerly let others know about them.  Lots of anti-Catholic source material is always available.

Most attacks on The Church are recycled arguments that have been used since the first plots to kill Jesus.   Some anti-Catholic arguments are newer.  An example:  “God is all-powerful, right?  Kind, and caring?  And, He hates abortion.  Why would a God Who hates abortions allow miscarriages? ”

One may reply:  “There is a difference between an accidental death and intentionally taking a life.”

The anti-Catholic responds: ” Why would a God Who hates abortions allow miscarriages? ”

If the question is ignored, Catholicism loses credibility.   So, we need an answer to:  Why would a God Who hates abortions allow miscarriages?

An answer is in Catholic Fundamentalism:   Spontaneous miscarriages are the results of programming errors that Adam and Eve freely chose to enter into their own genetic codes.  The first replicating, free-will, Human Programs chose to corrupt parts of their own programs by the disobedience The Church calls Original Sin.

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Our ongoing disobedience causes another reason for miscarriages:  In recent generations, the human genetic code has been further damaged by the powerful chemicals in birth control pills.

The Church has always taught that artificial birth control is wrong.  Life-destroying chemicals do genetic damage to the DNA in human ova.  Such damage keeps many human programs from developing properly, so they cannot be carried to term.

Disobedience had, and still has, an awful cost in human suffering.  That disobedience is seen directly in abortions and, more indirectly, in miscarriages.  Most miscarriages reflect the damage done to the human DNA molecules by sins committed first in The Garden, later by far too many of us.

God has given us humans so much freedom that we may choose to engage in behavior that causes our own children to be damaged or destroyed.

It is not a surprise that the Culture of Death encourages disobedience.



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