Words. #2.

Words are labels for programs. “Coffee”, “cows”, and “crinoline” all identify different programs within The Creation Program. Words let us connect our own, unique human program with other programmed beings and with The Loving Programmer. When we speak to God, we use words.

When The Loving Programmer speaks to us, He may not use words. He may have angels go directly into our minds and erase, restore, and reprogram directly. He can bypass the word part of communication and go directly to the CPU.

We all say “Help me, Lord!”, or words to that effect, with surprising frequency. Those verbal requests often involve a request for information or aid in a future we are not normally able to foresee.

On the back side of the present, we also read or listen to words that come from, or describe, the past. So, words are also a type of “time machine”. They connect us with what has been programmed, and help us the downloads to come.

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When we think about “walking the walk” rather than simply “talking the talk”, we wish it weren’t so hard and didn’t take such a long time.

But, we can explain with words that there are millions, billions, even trillions of years in eternity. We have, at most, only a few years left to determine where we will spend them.

Sometimes, words devoted to such subjects may alert people to the need for reprogramming.


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