“You Shall Not Take the Name of The Lord Your God in Vain.”

“You Shall Not Take the Name of The Lord Your God in Vain.” is The Unprogrammed Programmer’s Third Operating Instruction. Some puzzle over its meaning. Catholic Fundamentalists understand that it’s a programming instruction. If we dishonor He Who programmed us, it’s impossible to maintain ourselves in His hierarchy of being.

Just as a soldier cannot attack his lawful superiors without being mutinous, so we cannot use even a mention of The Programmer that may undermine His will. He, Who is aware of our thoughts, words, and deeds, is continually watching to see how obedient we are to Him. If He sees us, out of anger, saying something to the effect that we want The Programmer to use His awesome power to, for instance, damn someone, He sees that we have thereby violated His command to “love your neighbor as yourself”.

When we try to invoke the awesome power of His name to do something wrong, we are attempting to make Him an agent of the evil that lurks within us. That’s never a good idea, though those on the other side frequently do what they can to separate our individual programs from He Who programmed every good thing by removing the taboo of taking His name in vain.
