God is Truth.  Protestants see some of God’s Truth.

God is Truth.  Protestants see some of God’s Truth. 1. God Spoke Creation into Being.  Protestants agree! 2. God provided Prophets and Prophecies.  Prophets predicted:  “God will come to earth in human form.”  Protestants agree! 3. The Prophecies were fulfilled.  Jesus was born at the Prophesied Time, Place, and Family.  Protestants agree! 4.  Jesus is […]

A Confession. Protestantism helped me obey Jesus.

For many years, I was in a Protestant denomination.  It had been invented before I was born.  Their Marketing Plan was “guaranteed”!   If we followed its teachings, we would get into Heaven! I believed that.  Millions of us believed!  All of us thought we were doing something intelligent. ~ Then, our denomination’s doctrine changed!    […]

How do Protestants prove the power of Catholic Saints?

  Many Profiteers of Protestantism teach their donors that “Catholics worship idols!”  A Miracle happens!   Protestants give us a “Hidden Miracle”!   They help us respect the power of Catholic Saints!   How do Protestants prove the power of Catholic Saints? ~ Catholics are grateful for images of Obedient Catholic Saints.  They remind us how important obedience […]

Protestants make one mistake by ignoring four words!

Protestants have one blessing.   They want to go to Heaven!  That shows their underlying intelligence.  Unlike those who chose to hate, Protestants do want to go to Heaven!  Sadly, Protestants make one mistake by ignoring four words! Protestants do not focus on the most important four words in All Creation! ~ We encourage our beloved […]

Mental illness is caused by confusion. Catholicism cures confusion!

How do we cure Mental illness?  Mental illness is caused by confusion. Catholicism cures confusion!   Catholics get rid of the confusion caused by the two forces that work within us. Each of us has a soul and a spirit. 1. Our human soul is “made in the image of God”.   So, our soul will live […]

What is the difference between “semi-Christian” and “anti-Christian?”

  Catholics want to know:  What is the difference between “semi-Christian” and “anti-Christian”? Many of our beloved neighbors are in Protestant denominations.  They follow one among 45,000 Marketing Plans that have become 45,000 denominations. Their ministers insist:  “We are Christians.”  The period ending that sentence is sometimes replaced by one, or more, exclamation points! ~ […]

Catholics try to stay on “The straight line to God.”

God is Always at the other end of a straight line.  The straight line leads directly from our soul to Him.  Catholics try to stay on “The straight line to God.”  At every point in our life, we are on “The straight line to God”. If we stay on “The straight line to God.” we get […]

This is how some Protestants get rich.

  The Profiteers of Protestantism are Marketing Masters!     45,000 Profiteers of Protestantism have invented Marketing Plans and turned them into denominations!   This is how some Protestants get rich. First, they identify a local, regional, or larger group of donors.   Then, they invent a Marketing Plan.   Their doctrine is their income! ~ Protestant Marketing Plans […]

How do we identify the Lowest-level Protestants?

Some of us are blessed to respect Jesus so much that we obey His Church-Founding Word: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” Obedient Catholics are […]

Pride closes many minds to the “commandments” of Jesus.

  One difference between Catholic and Protestant clergy is clear.  In Mt. 5: 19, Jesus said:  “Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in The Kingdom of Heaven.” Catholics know that Jesus gave us His “commandments” in two ways.  He gave us […]