Communion without annulment?

When I became a Catholic, no one asked if my spouse had been previously married. Several years later, a new priest was assigned to our small parish. In reviewing records, he came to the conclusion: “You need for your spouse to annul the previous marriage, or you may no longer receive Communion.”

Communion without annulment? No. What to do?

I certainly didn’t want to go back to the Mainline Denomination I’d left for the consistency of The Only Church Jesus Founded. And, I didn’t want to stop going to The Only Church He Founded.

Then, it came to me: Most of the people around me were receiving The Blood of Christ. Some of it did not go directly into their stomachs, but was still in their mouths, even after they had returned to their pews.

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So, I kept going to Church for a year or two until the Annulment Problem was miraculously resolved. And, breathing deeply through my mouth, swallowing frequently. Communion without annulment?

In that way, I did receive Communion without an annulment. Not sure what The Church thinks about it. I don’t think Jesus would disapprove.

Anyway, I’m here, now. Wonder if I need to confess what I did? Never thought of that. Next Confession!


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