Premise: All Pro-Life people should be Catholic.

Why is it important that all pro-life people become Catholic?

Christendom has splintered into tens of thousands of competing groups.  As a result, birth control, divorce, abortion, euthanasia, and hostile invaders destroy lives and families in formerly Catholic nations.

The only thing that can save us is to re-unite in The Only Church founded by Jesus.  Premise:  All Pro-Life people should be Catholic.

Many use this site as an opportunity to attack the Church.  And, Catholic Fundamentalism allows many intelligent and knowledgeable Catholics to respond when people try to justify attacking The Church.  Sometimes, reading their posts is similar to watching steam rollers flattening molehills.

We learn one thing from such exchanges.  Many avoid The Church even when shown the errors in their beliefs.

Why would anyone allow uncorrected errors to remain within?  Why aren’t logic and facts enough to replace irrational error?
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In some areas of life, logic and facts do have influence.  If this site gave stock tips (“Buy Lorillard, their new e-cigarettes are going to be very profitable.”), many would buy.  We readily change our behavior for the promise of short-term gains.

If we make a successful soul tip  (“Become a Roman Catholic, worthily receive Communion, and Jesus says ‘You will have life in you.'”) people will argue as long as they live.

Our most important job is putting things in proper priority and making decisions on that basis.

Putting things in proper priority.  Easier said than done! We begin with;  Premise:  All Pro-Life people should be Catholic.


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