Pastor Bob boo-boo #2

Catholics and better-educated Protestants are often surprised at the incredible errors taught as truth by the lower-end Pastor Bobs.   Many are so desperate for donors that they lead their followers astray.  We see actual examples in Pastor Bob boo-boo #2.

Public schools have done such a poor job teaching history that many American adults are easily led to believe it when Pastor Bobs tell them:  “Constantine was the Roman Emperor who invented The Catholic Church.  That was about six hundred years after the Catholics crucified Jesus.”

Those with even a modicum of historical knowledge are stunned that anyone could be so wrong.   We reply with an incredulous, “What!”

Amazingly, they willingly  share even greater proof of historical unawareness:    “The Roman Empire got together with The Catholic Church and killed hundreds of millions of Christians in The Inquisition.”

We may reply:  “You are confused about the hundreds of millions of people killed.  The Inquisition lasted 350 years and about 3,500 people were killed, mostly by the state for treasonous activities.   There have been “hundreds of millions of people” killed.  That’s the number of babies killed by abortionists  because tens of thousands of Protestant denominations have kept the Pro-Life Catholic Church from the necessary unity to stop the killing.   That’s the only time “hundreds of millions of people” have been killed.  The Church is Pro-Life.”

“No!  It was The Church killed hundreds of millions of people.  It’s in The Bible!”

“What?  What Bible?”

“The King James Version of The Bible.  It’s all in there.  It is the only Bible we can trust because The King James Version of The Bible was the First Bible.  It was made by Jesus, 1,600 years before the Catholics even had a Bible!”

“No, no, no.  Catholic Saints and scholars had found and verified the scrolls and writings for The Catholic Bible by the year 300.   The King James Version came one thousand, three hundred years later, around 1600.”

“That’s not what Pastor Bob says, and he knows.  He went to Bible College!”

These “facts” are quoted from actual followers of actual Pastor Bobs.   We have a lot of work to do, undoing Pastor Bob boo-boo #2.
