The biggest Pastor Bob lie

This site gets posts from many intelligent Protestants.  Others pass on lies they’ve been told by the low-end Pastor Bobs.  The biggest Pastor Bob lie that’s appeared here was in response to a post about genocide of American Indians.   Protestant Imperialists had justified killing tens of millions of Indianswith Luther’s teaching:  “Such things do not matter since we are saved by faith, alone.”

The biggest Pastor Bob lie we’ve seen was in response to that sad truth:


It is the biggest Pastor Bob lie we’ve seen!  Dates are off by a thousand years and more!  The target of the Crusades was Moslem attackers, not Christians!  Constantine had been dead for a dozen centuries by the time of the later Crusades!  The Roman Government of Western Europe had been gone for a thousand years!   The tiny bit ruled by Constantinople was shrinking daily under Moslem attacks.  The Roman Catholic Church was never led by Constantine!  In fact, Constantine converted to Catholicism three centuries before Mohammed was born!

When Catholics see the things that many Protestants are told, our hearts go out to them.  “How could anyone tell them such lies?  Who would be so heartless as to tell simple, ignorant people such grotesque, embarrassing lies, just to get their money?  Who would want to cripple their minds with such errors?  What kind of people are these low-end Pastor Bobs?”
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Hysterical historical beliefs come from lies told by low-end Pastor Bobs to sincere, but very uneducated Protestants.  The biggest Pastor Bob lie is based on a sad truth:  Americans are so poorly educated that many may be led to believe endless lies, like the sincere man who had been led to write the above sentence.

When Catholics deal with such awful ignorance, we must remember:  The fault does not lie with those who are misled, but with those low-end Pastor Bobs who have intentionally led the uneducated away from The Only Church Jesus Founded to get donations from them.

Mt 18:6, Mark 9:42, and Luke 17:2 provide clear warnings to the Pastor Bobs:  “It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.”       

When we see Protestants unable to grasp historical truths, and see grotesque distortions of facts, we may remember the biggest Pastor Bob lie and pray that they stop leading little ones astray.


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