A simple definition of “Willful Protestant” and what their final prayer should be. #70.

Jesus can keep a soul from sinking, even at our final moments on earth.


Question 1:  “What is a ‘Willful Protestant’?”

Answer:  “A Willful Protestant is a person who does not believe in a God powerful enough to take Perfect, Human Form on earth.”


Queston 2:  “Don’t Willful Protestants believe in Jesus?”

Answer:  “No Willful Protestant meaningfully believes in The Power of Jesus Christ to Speak One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with His Holy Word:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 3:  “Why don’t Willful Protestants believe that?”

Answer:   “The enemies of God spend their time on earth keeping souls from having ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’  Wordly institutions are run by people who owe their place in the world to bearing ‘false witness’ about The Total Truth of Every Word of Jesus Christ.”


Question 4:  “How can Catholics identify those who have sold their souls for earthly favor?”

Answer:  “All of them reject The Only Church God Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word.”


Question 5:  “What lets a person live in the contradiction of saying ‘I believe in Jesus.’ while not believing that Every Word of His is worthy of grateful obedience?”

Answer:  “Confusion!  For 2,000 years, every worldly institution has avoided, hated, and rejected The Only Church given ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ by The Living Son of The Living God.”


Question 6:  “Why would anyone want to keep their neighbors’ immortal souls from ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “Vanity keeps people from wanting their neighbors to get ahead of them.  Those lost in their Self-serving Worlds of Vanity want to keep their neighbors’ souls from being more pleasing to God at His Judgment than their souls will be.”


Question 7:  “Is every Willful Protestant soul lost for refusing to love God and their neighbors in a meaningful way?”

Answer:  “That is up to God at Judgment.  Catholics pray that our beloved neighors will Think Clearly at the last moments of their life on earth.  May their final living thoughts take form in words like this:   ‘God, please forgive me for disobeying You and rejecting The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church You gave Your Life to leave on earth.’


That last-minute Confession may be the only Hope of getting “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that a Willful Protestant can have.  May no one die in Willful Disobedience to Any Word of Jesus Christ.


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