Catholics always fight lies with truth

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

Since Jesus Founded the Catholic Church, Catholics always fight lies with truth.

The first lies were told to the Jerusalem Establishment, “If you don’t kill the followers of Jesus, they will destroy us.”   The Jerusalem Establishment was worried.  “Jews are reading the Prophets and seeing that they clearly predicted Jesus.”  So, a great lie was told and instituted.  The Holy Books were re-written.  Armies of paid scribes fired endless salvos of altered texts, each eliminating or altering important prophecies that referred to the birth, life, and death of Jesus.

Others began to destroy The Church in Rome.  Nero was told, “If you don’t kill the Catholics, they will destroy the Empire.  As a result of such lies, the first 33 Popes were martyred, along with countless Catholic priests and people.

The persecutions and the false Scriptures made it hard to be faithful to The Only Church Jesus Founded.  “We don’ know what to believe, any more!” complained many.

The Church reacted with patient scholarship, some of which is recorded in the Dialogue between Justin Martyr and Trypho the Jewish Scholar.   Over the two centuries following the Ascension, Catholic Saints and scholars searched for, and found, the original scrolls.   Since the new, politically correct scrolls were very expensive, taking dozens of scribes years to copy on parchment, they may have cost a few hundred thousand dollars in our money.  The small, outlying synagogues couldn’t afford the new ones.  St. Jerome, and others, found the originals.

In two hundred years, The Vulgate Bible was finished and approved.  1,700 years later, The Dead Sea Scrolls, written before Jesus, were found.  They validated the Vulgate.  Ever since those early days, Catholics always fight lies with truth.

The Only Church Jesus Founded ruled Christendom during “The Thousand Year Reign” described in Revelation 20.  That came to an end about five hundred years ago, when “the dragon was released from the abyss” and Martin Luther began the process of destroying Christian unity.

That was another test, in which Catholics have been fighting lies with truth.  In order to justify what would become an insane 43,000 schisms, each invented by A Vain Man with a Marketing Plan, many of the Protestants began to attack The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Endless allegations of crazy Catholic crimes were invented.  The Inquisition was said to have “killed fifty million people!” instead of 3,5000 over a period of 350 years.  Nearly every historical event that resulted in significant deaths were blamed on The Church.  Making up insane theories about Catholic wrong-doing became a “cottage industry” for many bitter, angry people.

Who paid them?  Many of the Pastor Bobs needed to justify two centuries of slaughtering Stone Age people by Imperialist British and other Protestants.  They welcomed such attacks!  “If people return to The Only Church Jesus Founded, I’m out of a job!  Don’t want that!   Preaching beats working!”  So, the results of such depraved scholars were disseminated and made available to those who thought about becoming Catholic.

So, the anti-Catholic lies continue.  As always, Catholics have been fighting lies with truth.  It’s what we do.
