“We need a good, Catholic King.”

Luca-Giordano-Expulsion-of-the-Moneychangers-from-the-Temple-c.-1675-660x350-1450866883.jpg Christ and moneychangers

Things are falling apart. Neighbors are turned against neighbor by leaders who have have turned against their people. Nations are falling to organized invasions. No one in authority dares to say: “That is wrong. We must protect our people.” Is there any cure for the helplessness and self-destruction that infects most nations? One conclusion: “We need a good, Catholic King.”

Democracies turn into Towers of Babel that do not allow anyone to say about anything: “That is wrong.” As people realize that all theories of government boil down to: “No government separated from The Only Church Jesus Founded recognizes the existence of right and wrong.”, it is ever saner to suggest “We need a good, Catholic King.”

Five hundred years have passed since the end of “The Thousand Year Reign” of The Catholic Church over Christendom. For five hundred years, those who choose to follow “the dragon unchained from the abyss” have attacked all that is good and true. They wave the flags of every kind of Protestant revolution as power goes to those best at buying votes.

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“Serves ’em right.”, chuckled many Catholics as that truth became more obvious as England’s collapse began. Germany, France, and the rest of Europe could not stand the strain. We saw how quickly Democracies turned into bureaucracies that were easily controlled by Moslem unity.

Not one of the collapsing European nations has a leader. Bribed bureaucrats focus on Imaginary Problems as more of their cities are lost. Towers of Babel teeter. People realize they have been enslaved by their own destroyers. The ballot box offers only illusion. More and more are asking, “Is there any way to fix this?”

A proven answer from the past begins to be heard: “We need a good, Catholic King.”


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