If everyone were Catholic, how would the world be a better place?

If everyone were Catholic, how would the world be a better place?

1.  There would be far, far fewer abortions.  Every day, three or four thousand babies would not be killed before birth.

2.  If the world were Catholic, there would be very little artificial birth control.  The tiniest of babies would not be killed, chemical imbalances and health problems would be reduced, and we would be back to lower levels of birth defects and autism.

3.  Cities would be vibrant, healthy places with healthy urban parishes, growing families, better morals, better values, and more emphasis on loving, rather than hating, neighbors.

4.  The Moslem invasions would be stopped, making a safer world for everyone’s children and grandchildren.

5.  Children would be better educated at every level of society.

6.  Taxes would be reduced by the Church’s historic opposition to socialism.  Failed government programs would be identified and eliminated by truth-seeking people who believe that lying and stealing were serious sins that had to be stopped.

7.  If all the world were Catholic, there would be more focus on saving our souls than on accumulating material goods.

8.  We would all, by participating in Communion, have life in us.

9.  Euthanasia would not exist.  Hospitals would exist to cure.

10.  There would be less arguing about silly things.

11.  Heaven would be so full of joyful souls that we, below, would hear them singing.

If everyone were Catholic, how would the world be a better place?  It’s impossible to count them all.  But, if you have any suggestions that have been over-looked, please share.
