Progress is bursting old bubbles and blowing new ones.

Rome dominated by putting labor-saving inventions of great magnitude to use.  Romans utilized labor-saving arches, aqueducts, factory farms, improved roads, apartment buildings, public baths, threshing machines, large transport vessels, and catapults more than other nations.  In every area of human endeavor,  Rome’s ability to put labor-saving ingenuity in place propelled them ahead of their more primitive neighbors.  Rome showed the ancient world that progress is bursting old bubbles and blowing new ones.

The United States provided freedom for people to invent and put into practice a long stream of innovative, labor-saving products.   Similarly, America’s labor-saving devices have dominated the world.  Once more, we see that progress is bursting old bubbles and blowing new ones.  Today, we see progress more in the area of electron flow control, rather than with rearranging minerals, but it’s still true that progress is bursting old bubbles and blowing new ones.

There are two kinds of people.   The brave and the bold want to develop labor- saving devices to reduce costs of goods and services.  They want to blow new bubbles.  The fearful and timid don’t want to lose their jobs by having too many of those “smart people” go around bursting old bubbles.

History is a contest between the brave and the timid.  When brave, bold bubble blowers are free, countries become wealthy.  History tells us repeatedly and clearly that the only way to make progress is bursting old bubbles and blowing new ones.

When a nation’s  fearful and timid prevail, old bubbles keep bursting, but new bubbles can’t be blown.  When other countries get too many big, bright bubbles, they overshadow the people with collapsing bubbles.  Decay, collapse, invasion, and destruction come to every nation where no one is allowed to show that life-saving progress is bursting old bubbles and blowing new ones.
