One kind of person and two kinds of people.

Some people obey the commands to  love God and neighbor.  Others, won’t.  Some people think, speak, and act as if they want to go to Heaven.  Others, won’t.

It easy to conclude that there are two kinds of people.  Catholic Fundamentalism wants to recognize the primacy of free will over determinism, and suggests:  “There is one kind of person and two kinds of people.  Each person is free to choose positive or negative polarity.”

The Church’s Liturgy used to read “Glory to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth.”   It now reads, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will.”  One kind of people choose to have good will, the other does not.

Thinking about the two kinds of people is personally helpful.   It’s illuminating to consider that some say they love their neighbors, but will fight hard to tax them for personal gain.  Others claim to love their neighbors, but are in favor of killing unborn children because they might grow up to increase the welfare rolls.

We must be very careful with such people as we understand that we, ourselves, can be, and probably are, their targets.

How do we identify people of good will?  People of good will do not want to hurt, regulate, tax, use, or kill anyone for personal gain.  That is a constant truth.


