A quiet kind of Catholic lapsing.

There is a nearly invisible, a quiet kind of Catholic lapsing.  There are quiet “lapsers” among the lapsed Catholics who seem, on the surface, to be harmless.

Many Americans, some of whom knew their Catholic, immigrant ancestors, were sent, at great expense, to Catholic schools.   Discipline and hard work let them excel when compared to students in the government schools.

After graduation, many tested so highly they were given scholarships.  Some  became teachers.  They compared the salaries they’d be paid by Catholic schools to what they could make in the public schools.

Many Catholic school graduates chose to teach in the public schools or to get other government jobs.  Wages, benefits, and pensions were vastly more.  When public sector Catholics had children, usually fewer than their ancestors, they usually sent them to public schools.   That, after all, was where they were working and making money.  So, a quiet kind of Catholic lapsing is increasing as the private sector shrinks.

Over time, their affections for the source of their salaries grew.  They decide, “I hope my children get good, steady, secure jobs, too.”  It was quickly discovered that those who held politically correct beliefs were given preference in more and more hiring.  Lapsing accelerated.

Often, in a generation or so, hurch attendance.  Then, the separation from God replaced even the least demanding church with wastes of time.  Those who went down that broad path tended to disappear; first from The Church, then from any church, finally, from earth.

His garden weeds itself.  One type of weeding is personified by a quiet kind of Catholic lapsing.  It begins with a transfer of allegiance from Church to state as the state uses its ability to take ever more from neighbors and give to supporters.

