Catholic Fundamentalism v. conventional reality.

In every age, there is The Church and the state. In our time, The Church has stopped making as public a stand on the superiority of Her God-centered view of reality.

The state is filling the vacuum. Once, a handful of town criers was enough to let people know what the monarchy wanted them to think. The town criers have been replaced by cradle-to-the-grave propaganda from schools, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, movies, chat rooms. web sites, and robo-calls. Most take their orders from those who believe that conventional reality is all there is.

It is a miracle that The Church has survived the constant onslaught. Now, Catholic Fundamentalism has developed a new defense of The Church’s more accurate view of reality. We humans are here to take whatever place we choose in the contest between Catholic Fundamentalism and conventional reality.

We use the words and technology of our time to see that God is The Loving Programmer. He can program particles and energies, compile them into systems and beings, and have The Creation Program downloaded by a near-endless myriad of angelic Programming Assistants.

We call what He has made a “3-D movie in real time”. Each lovingly written human program has been downloaded within The Creation Program. Each will write its own script and act the part he chooses.

The settings of the stage on which successive generations of actors perform, The Creation Program, had to be made in such a way that we can’t easily tell if He made it, or it happened by itself. Those in the Conventional Reality Party believe that things came into being by accident. Catholic Fundamentalism understands that The Creation Program is designed to separate sheep from goats, the saved from the lost.

They freely choose to believe there is no God and no reason to take seriously any religion that provides constraints on their behaviors. It is a universal constant that such people hate The Roman Catholic Church more than any other system of belief.

Sometimes, like St. Paul, they see the truth in Catholicism, and believe. Often, those who tire of, or see through, conventional reality become faithful Catholics. Such wonderful miracles are not as rare as we are led to believe by the proponents of Conventional Reality.
