Overspending is caused by sin and hate.

There have been recent concerns about the “fiscal cliff”.  When a government is huge enough to spend trillions of dollars more than it takes in, momentary glitches in funding are overcome by the immense juggernaut it has become.   Problems like the “fiscal cliff” are invented and utilized to justify stealing from citizens.

Why do governments overspend to the point they destroy their nations?   There is a direct connection between sin, hate, and overspending.   Sloth is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.  It corrupts the operating systems of those who conclude, “I do not like to work.”  Those corrupted by sloth turn into a wide variety of couch potatoes who sit around in slums, parents’ basements, and ivory towers doing nothing useful.

Pride is a deadly sin that leads the couch potatoes to conclude:    “I have rights.  I should not be forced to do what I don’t want.  If I am not given enough to live on, I have a duty to riot, burn, steal a new TV, or be a college dean.”

“Oh, we can’t have that!” say profiteers who pander to the sinful.  “You have a right to be happy.  Therefore, others have a duty to provide you with what you want.”

Those who download any combination of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth do not realize that demons are telling the very same “You have a right to be happy!” lie  to every human program choosing to access and download any sort of corruption. 

 The living sins are corrupted spiritual beings.  They are quite consciously leading everyone they can into the eternal pain of hell.

The broad path to destruction is lined with billboards, shouters, and whisperers.  “You have a right to be happy!  Others have a duty to provide you with what you want.” 

Those desperate for political stature invent and use Imaginary Problems like the Fiscal Cliff.  They justify giving to human programs so corrupted by pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth that they hate, rather than love, their neighbors. 

Why do the demons of sin lead people to hate?  Only by hating neighbors can a person think it’s acceptable to take from them.  In the current administration, those influenced by a parade of Reverend Wrights (“God damn America!”) have made a career of hating, and taxing, white people. 

So, we have more overspending than ever.   Overspending is caused by hate.  Hate is a twisted building constructed on a foundation of sins. 

The panderers time in the sun soon ends.  Then, the trap door opens.
