Who are the worst people of the last century?

Even people who do bad things do not want to go to Hell.  They may be encouraged to play the odds by asking:   “Why not be nice to people if there’s a chance it will reduce your eternal pain?”  Many think their sins are too great to be forgiven.

A startling way to help those who think they’re too bad to be saved is to remind them:  “From God’s perspective, you really aren’t that bad.”

“Huh?”, even a hardened wrong-doer may say.

“Who are the most evil destroyers of life?   Sure, there’s Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and Pol Pot.  They’re mass murderers of millions.  The inventors of the birth control pill have caused countless billions of unborn babies to be lost.  One of these “scientists”, John Rock, was Catholic, and actually tried to justify his death-dealing invention before he left The Church.

John Rock, lapsed Catholic, may have been history’s greatest mass murderer.

Another involved in the invention of the pill changed his tune.   An Austrian chemist, Carl Djerassi, realized the Pope was right when he announced that the birth control pill would destroy Europe.   If, unlike John Rock, Carl Djerassi went to confession, God would forgive him, even for the crime of having helped to destroy a continent once filled with Christians.

The birth control pill and the subsequent mass disconnect it caused between sex and procreation eviscerated Europe.  By lowering the birth rates, the vanished generations of Europeans  have left a vacuum being filled by the current Mohammedan invasion.  Now, with the possible exception of Catholic Poland, the historic peoples of Europe have far too few people to maintain their populations.

The sins of the fathers have been visited on the children being attacked in the streets, simply for being European.

So, while we may think the usual villains, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and other political perverts are the worst people in the world, they aren’t.  Several unsung sinners have destroyed far more lives than they.
