Why is the Protestant Establishment dying?

World War II was won by an establishment composed almost exclusively of American Protestants.  During the centuries between 1620 and 1960, America’s upper-class Protestants ran everything. 

WASPS, White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants, were in charge of medicine, the arts, academia, finance, the press, society, and business.   Those in control of establishments were both Protestant and male.  Then, in the 1950s, things started going badly.  They stopped having children and started playing golf.  The children they did have wanted easy jobs in government and academia.  The nation was rich enough to afford them.  They had, of course, won not just a war, but a “World War”, and believed themselves to be the “natural rulers” of the globe.  They were as “Techno-Gods”, lords of all.

And, the Protestant Establishment had changed the world.  Protestants had invented steam engines, nuclear power, internal combustion, electricity, modern medicine, roads, canals, cities, and changed the face of the earth.  Almost everything we use and need in life came from the Protestant Establishment.   Their power seemed inexhaustible.  They ruled the world.

Today, there are fewer WASPS in charge of things.  Large, no longer prosperous Protestant churches are emptier than ever.  Many have closed.  The old, Mainline Protestants of Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, and Lutheran divisions have split so often no one knows what kind of church they’re driving by.  Many Protestants have joined huge, doctrineless mega-churches that focus on “feeling good with God”.  Each is a triumph of marketing over content.

Why is the Protestant Establishment dying?  Why are those within it increasingly lifeless?   What went wrong?  God was patient with them, and actually answered their prayers, when they were more faithful to His Commands.   Beginning in the 1930s, when Protestants allowed artificial birth control.  They began spilling their seed on the ground.  Now, they have strayed so far from Catholicism that many denominations are run by neo-Babylonians who do not even condemn abortion.  Protestants’ disobedience has separated them from God.

Jesus was very clear and very direct:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”  Protestants are unable to eat His Body and drink His Blood.  Only Catholics have the authority to provide His Body and Blood.

Why is the Protestant Establishment dying?  They strayed too far from Catholic teaching.  Can they be saved?  Not unless they become Catholic.
