The Garden is self-weeding.

Catholic Fundamentalism, on its Facebook page, generates comments that provide a real insight into the mind of those in schism.  Some in Protestant pews believe popular pretend-facts, like “Catholics worship idols.”, “Catholics never read the Bible.”, “Catholics are not allowed to read the Bible.”, “Catholics worship Mary.”, and more.  Such thoughts are spread to generate an anti-Catholic mentality.

The Protestant Establishment, reeling from too few children, now has a new threat to cash flows.  Huge, new Mega-churches have done to Mainline denominations just what Sam’s Club and Costco have done to smaller outlets in the retail world.  Catholicism has been relegated to a secondary concern among the dying Mainline churches.

Still, the old Protestant Establishment, surviving on shrinking endowments, doesn’t want congregations losing members to the Catholic Church.  Those losses are particularly painful.  Protestants who choose Catholicism are the most knowledgeable and faithful among their congregations.  Such losses are irreplaceable.  One sincere person becoming a Catholic does more damage than a dozen who go for good times and glitz at a shiny, new Mega-church.

Old-line denominations and the Mega-churches do have something in common.  Both have developed marketing programs to profit from the recent handful of pretend-priests who molested children.  They hide the full truth about the problem that began after the Catholic Church defeated the Communists in Spain.  A leading Communist Party official in the United States, Bella Dodd, testified “In revenge, The Communist Party put over 1,100 men into the priesthood to destroy The Church.”

The evil infiltrators were destructive.   Some brought financial scandals.  Others attacked Church teaching and traditions with modernism.  Many willingly cooperated with government agencies that were replacing Church institutions with expanded bureaus.  Pretend-priests and bishops also attacked The Church by sneaking child molesters into, and through, seminaries.

Now, they are mostly gone, as are earlier generations of those who tried to destroy The Church.

Children and families were hurt.  So were many self-righteous Catholics who resented being denied the Sacraments for being in sexual relationships not approved by The Church.  Many of them used the scandals as an opportunity to justify themselves.  They continue to piously announce:  “I do not wish to be part of an organization that hurts children!”  God sees through such self-serving self-righteousness.  So do we.  It is h0rribly sad that many will not recover before the trap door opens.

Their souls are being sacrificed on the altar of their own vanity.  It is what they have chosen to worship instead of Him Whose Holy Body and Blood and forgiveness they have chosen to shun.  The Garden is self-weeding.  We may cry out to God to ask Him to lead the lost back to The Church before the trap door opens.

